Head-scratcher Q&A Key







To Begin...

Q. My incoming water is from a:

  1. Municipal or communal tap water system
  2. Private well













1. [From first Q -- incoming water is from a municipal or communal tap water system]

Q -- My primary concern is the reduction of contaminants of a:

  1. chemical nature (chlorine, chlorine byproducts, pesticides, herbicides)
  2. mineral nature (hardness, iron, sulfur, etc.)
  3. biological nature (disinfection for bacteria, viruses, etc.)







































2. [From first Q -- incoming water is from a private water well.]

Q -- A water analysis has been done and I know what my problem contaminants are:

  1. Yes
  2. No















3. [From 2 above -- Yes, a water analysis has been done]

Q -- Based on that water analysis, I know that my primary contaminant concern is of a:

  1. chemical nature (chlorine, chlorine byproducts, pesticiedes, herbicides, etc)
  2. mineral nature (hardness, iron, sulfer, etc.)
  3. biological nature (Test shows presence of coliform (e. coli) bacteria. Disinfection needed.)
  4. a combination of the above contaminant natures

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